Water Audit

Published by Itecons

Infrastructure type(s)
Hospitais; Pools; Hotels; Schools; Sports facilities; Child care, elderly care and other social services facilities; Shopping centers

Intervention domain(s)
Water Efficiency

Water efficiency Water audit


Portugal is expected to be one of the countries most affected by climate change, in particular extreme drought phenomena, resulting from a significant reduction in precipitation and an increase in annual mean temperature over the next decades. As a result, there will be a gradual worsening of water stress and water scarcity in our country. Therefore, water efficiency must therefore be a priority in all sectors.
In the case of existing buildings, this efficiency must be promoted through water efficiency audits. In partnership with ANQIP (National Association for the Quality of Buildings), Itecons carries out water efficiency audits in buildings, following the specific methodology developed by ANQIP (Programa AUDITAQUA), which has already been applied in Portugal to more than a hundred large public and private buildings (hospitals, swimming pools, hotels, industrial buildings, stadiums, shopping centers, etc.), achieving average savings of approximately 30% in drinking water consumption. In buildings with domestic hot water production, the reduction in water consumption also translated into a significant reduction in energy consumption, of the order of 0.03 kWh/liter.

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