Drainback systems

Published by BAXI Soluções de Climatização, S.A.

Infrastructure type(s)
Hospitais; Pools; Hotels; Schools; Sports facilities; Child care, elderly care and other social services facilities; Shopping centers

Intervention domain(s)
Water Heating; Renewable Energy


DB systems are compact and fully assembled devices for large of solar thermal energy installations (up to 150 square meters). They are based on Drainback technology which prevents overheating of the installations. It has advantages are: Increased installation reliability, reduced installation time and cost, and reduced maintenance costs. The system was designed based on Drainback technology which prevents overheating and prolongs the installation's service life by preventing breaking and the degradation of the antifreeze liquid. The system comes fully assembled, both hydraulically and electrically, which allows for minimization of errors and for savings in installation time, as it includes all the elements necessary for installation, reducing the number of components and the time of execution, factors thatdecisively contribute to installation cost reduction. Additionally, DB systems prevent premature degradation of the solar liquid, as well as component breaking, which greatly reduces the maintenance costs of the facilities.

Documentos associados
Drainback systems
DB system data sheet (PT)
DHW scheme
DHW and pool scheme

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